Success Final Review of URBANITE Project

We set out the global goal of the project. Namely, in the mobility transformation and the pressure for more sustainable transport models and new urbanism trends, changing the landscape of urban planning of mobility in cities and provides policy-makers with means to help them understand these new scenarios, supporting in making policy.

URBANITE takes steps towards adopting a collaborative, evidence-based data-driven for policy-making on urban mobility planning.

Custom dashboards – A practical example

Among its functionalities, The URBANITE Platform allows its users to build and share custom dashboard.

The users can easily create, edit, clone, access available dashboards, as well as share (with other users of the platform) and make publicly accessible a dashboard, facilitating the overcome of information silos and driving decision-makers from information share to knowledge share.

Data handling and transformation in Urbanite

In previous blog posts the overall architecture of the Urbanite platform [^1] and the harvesting process [^2] were described. The harvesting process consist of multiple services working together to gather, transform and store the data from the diverse sources harvested in this project. To give the reader a better understanding of this procedure, the harvesting process for the data of two pilot cities is described in more detail in this post: Amsterdam and Messina.

8th General Assembly in Messina

The 8th General Assembly was held in Messina, hosted by the Municipality and AlmaDigit. The two-day meeting included a workshop among Urbanite partners in which we will reflect on the co-creation process carried out and the lessons we have learned, demos of functionalities and challenges from the technical perspective (mobility simulation, data processing and policy recommendation support), and the planning for the upcoming next months of the project.

Co-creation activities in Messina towards shared urban mobility solutions

The activities related to co-creation in URBANITE project are mainly performed through what we call SoPoLabs (Social Policy Labs) which see the involvement of the stakeholders which revolve around urban mobility. In Messina SoPoLabs have brought stakeholders and policy makers to discuss about common issues, in order to find shared solutions on urban mobility for the Municipality. Since the start of the URBANITE project, three SoPoLabs have been held and they have brought interesting results.