Bilbao is the capital of the county called Bizkaia, Spain, and it could be considered as the industrial and financial capital of the Basque Country. With an area of 41,60 km2 and around 355,000 inhabitants, Bilbao is located right in the heart of a metropolitan area that extends along the estuary of the Nervión River with a population close to 1 million.
Every day, 550,000 movements with origin or destination Bilbao are produced. Approximately a half of the incoming people use the public transport (train or bus) and 2/3 of the outgoing movements are carried out by private car. Meanwhile most of the 850,000 daily internal trips are performed by walking (64%).
The Sustainable Mobility department of the city is in charge of:
- Municipal parking management
- Traffic and transport management (urban bus network, bike-sharing service, funicular, vertical mobility, taxi)
- Environment
This department is responsible of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (launched in 2018 for the H2030) and the Air Quality Plan (under development). Besides there is a strong electromobility strategy which has implemented in the last two years: 6 full-electric buses, 2 e-scooters for the municipal police, 20 electric vehicles for the on-street parking monitoring system, 38 electric taxis, 450 e-bikes for the municipal sharing service and 23 charging points plus 8 of fast-charge.